

Monday, May 23, 2011

Funny Halloween Costume Ideas

At this point, you are perhaps already thinking of a possible funny costume you can wear to a Halloween party you intend to attend. Some would just settle for the cliche type costumes like Superman, Batman and Cat Woman.

Meanwhile, some really want to think of funny Halloween costume ideas that can help them stand out. Costumes are important in this kind of party, and it is understandable why many prepare for this ahead of time.

Funny Halloween Costumes

If you are already tired of the conventional characters you see each year at Halloween parties, you can always think of something that is not normally seen. Or if you plainly want to break the ice at the party you are going to attend, you can try wearing funny costumes that would leave everyone laughing out loud when they see you.

It might take a lot of courage to execute funny Halloween costume ideas, but it will be rewarding in the end.
Instead of attending the party in a character of a mummy or zombie, try going there with you in a Barney costume. Now, that is really funny. You can also emulate the gestures of the character to entertain the guests.

Halloween parties should never be too monotonous and dull. Bring something new each year by trying never worn before costumes. However, make sure that you will appear funny rather than silly. Do not force yourself if one funny character does not really fit your personality. Instead of making the other guests to laugh, they might just get annoyed. So think carefully before implementing your plan.

Funny Halloween Costume Ideas

Next, if you need more free funny Halloween costume ideas, check out this year's top 100 Halloween costumes at out blog:


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